An Unexpected Update about #Pratchat53

We’ve made sure this went out on all our social media, but we had planned to record our Night Watch episode on Friday, 25 February – but we ran into some major technical issues.

As a result, we’ve decided to move some things around. The main thing is that we’ll now be reading Night Watch for our April episode, #Pratchat54. For March, we’ll instead be chatting about a selection of Terry Pratchett’s shorter Discworld writings that thematically tie in to Night Watch:

  • “The Ankh-Morpork National Anthem”
  • “Medical Notes”, and
  • “A Few Words From Lord Havelock Vetinari”

All three of these appear in the collection A Blink of the Screen.

Thank you to everyone who already sent through Night Watch questions (and those who crammed, we see and appreciate you).

If you have any questions about the shorter writings, please send them through – you can add them as comments here, or ask via social media using the hashtag #Pratchat53.

Bonus Episode – The Pratchatters’ Guide to the Night Terrace

Have a surprise bonus mini-episode of Pratchat! We’ve mentioned Night Terrace a few times, but not gone into too much detail. So, outside of our usual schedule, Liz asks Ben all about this time travel radio comedy series from Splendid Chaps Productions. What’s it about? Who are the main characters? How would they fit into the Discworld? You’ll also get a bit of behind the scenes info and hear some excerpts from the first two seasons. If it sounds good to you, hop on over to the Night Terrace crowdfunding campaign before November 22, and help get a third season made!

You’ll hear excerpts from the Night Terrace episodes “Sound & Führer”, “Moving House” (both by John Richards), “Time of Death”, “Ancient History” (both by Ben McKenzie), “Sense & Susceptibility” (also by John Richards) and “The Outsourcing” (by David Ashton). Anastasia Black is played by Jackie Woodburne; Eddie Jones by Ben McKenzie; Sue Denholm by Petra Elliott; the Vraxnols by Toby Truslove and previous Pratchat guest, Cal Wilson (#Pratchat1 and #Pratchat3); and Carole by Cate Wolfe.

We hope you enjoyed this little diversion! If you want more excerpts and info about Night Terrace, look up the hashtag #NightTerrace on social media, or visit If you listen to the series, you may also enjoy the companion podcast On the Terrace.

Happy Hogswatch!

Our next episode is still a couple of weeks away, but we’d like to wish all of our listeners a very Happy Hogswatch! We hope you’re having a lovely holiday, whatever form it takes. We couldn’t bring you all pies, of course, but we did get you a little present: a streamable, downloadable version of the full Pratchat theme song by David Ashton! It’s one of our favourite things about the show, and we hope you’ll enjoy listening to it as much as we do.

We’ve made it available via the Splendid Chaps Production Bandcamp page, where you’ll also find some other free stuff, including the first episode of audio comedy series Night Terrace. Have a great holiday, and we’ll see you in the new year!

Coming soon!

The rumours are true – after a long period of drinking tea, emailing, buying notebooks and debating* the relative merits of various novels as an introduction to the Discworld…Pratchat is coming! Episode Zero, a pleasant chat introducing your hosts Elizabeth Flux and Ben McKenzie and their history with Pratchett’s works, will be released on the 8th of October!**

In the meantime, watch out for an opportunity to help shape the very future of this podcast! You can follow us on our social media too: we’re primarily on Twitter and Instagram.

* By which, of course, we mean arguing for our personal favourites.

** This is as close as we can get to the 8th day of the 8th month. It has “oct” in the name!