1. Michael Donohoe

    I am a new listener to the podcasts, so I’m going through from from the start. One thing you have mentioned in a couple of episodes is the Cuddy, from Men at Arms (of course), is a ghost because he has no death weapon when he is buried. In fact it seems very clear that Carrot has buried the gonne with Cuddy, so he has the most powerful weapon in Discworld to protect him in death.

    • Hi Michael – and welcome! You’re right that Cuddy is eventually buried with the gonne (as strongly hinted by the text, though it’s not explicit). When he meets Death, though, he doesn’t know that will happen, and decides to stick around as a ghost explicitly because he won’t be buried with the axe his Dad made for him (as it had been destroyed in the fall). What he thinks of the gonne as a replacement isn’t clear, since we don’t hear from him again after the funeral, but I’d agree that he probably gives up the ghost, so to speak.

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